Help Build Brighter Futures

We envision a world where every child enters school ready to succeed because every parent has the knowledge, skills, and resources to build school readiness where it starts: the home.

Our Purpose

ParentChild+ uses education to break the cycle of poverty for low-income families. We engage early in life and help toddlers, their parents, and their family child care providers access a path to possibility.

What we provide isn’t just early literacy, it is early opportunity. For families living in underserved communities, we are a first step on the ladder to success. Their personal booster club.

It isn’t as easy as ABC. It is hard work. It is crucial work. What gets us up each morning is the thought that for every child for whom we help level the playing field, the equity gap closes a bit more and the possibilities and opportunities expand.

Our mission is urgent. Join us in ensuring that all of our children have equal possibilities from the start.

$1,014,435.75Total Donated
$608Average Donation

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With as little as $25, you can directly impact a child's school readiness!